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DIN EN 16203 pdf free download

DIN EN 16203-2014 pdf free download.Safety of Industrial Trucks – Dynamic tests for verification of lateral stability -ounterbalanced Trucks; English version EN 16203:2014, English translation of DIN EN 16203:2014-11.
According to the experience gained by application of this standard to a large number of trucks the limitsshould be re-examined in the next revision of the standard.
7.1 General
The readings shall be carried out at an environmental temperature range of 5 °C to 40 °℃.
An experienced operator is needed to drive the forklft truck in this test. It is permitted to train the driver on thistest procedure.
7.2 Test procedure
For the measuring to take place, the truck and the tyres shall be at operating temperature (a minimum warm-up period of 10 min is required, before the test starts).
Tyre pressures shall be checked directly before the testing takes place to verify that the manufacturer’srecommendations are fulfilled.
For the test procedure, the lift height of the fork shall be 300 mm above the ground and the mast position shallbe tilted back to the end position.
For an attempt the forklift truck accelerates in area A. The truck shall cross line 1 with test velocity. Afterpassing the entry corridor B and entering the manoeuvring area C the driver shall steer the truck quickly butsteadily to the exit corridor D to leave this corridor across line 6 or 7.Between line 1 and line 6 or 7 theaccelerator pedal shall be fully depressed.Behind line 6 or 7 in the area E the truck can be stoppedimmediately. With the appropriate means described in 4.2 it shall be determined if the attempt is successful asdefined in Clause 6.
This procedure shall be performed for the turning direction (right or left),whichever has the least stablecondition.
lf the direction with the least stable condition is unknown, the test shall be performed in both directions.
Any sliding or spinning of the vehicle is allowed as long as the truck does not fail the criteria for test validity(touching/crossing of the track limits or releasing of the accelerator pedal).
When performing the test it shall be ensured that no operating personnel or observers stay within the testarea.A safety clearance wide enough to prevent danger should be provided.
The test report shall contain the following details:
a)reference to this European Standard;
b) specification of the tested truck in respect to the information plate;
c) in case of type testing: reference to the type series;
d) position of the truck’s centre of gravity with respect to the load axle centrelines in x-y planes;
e)specification of truck equipment (e.g. attachment, cabin, etc.);
f)specification of tyres (manufacturer, type(SE or pneumatic tyre), dimensions, pressure);
g)air pressure of pneumatic tyres;
h) set-up parameters of the truck;
i) description of stabilizers (mass, centre of gravity) and position on the truck plus photographs of front and side views of the truck fitted with the stabilizers;
j)description of the test track (material, slope,smoothness, friction coefficient);k) test velocity of the truck;
l)test result (passed/failed, no. of attempts/ valid attempts /successful attempts);m) date and name of the tester and witness.DIN EN 16203 pdf download.

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